Since 2017, Message Owl (msgowl) a product of OXIQA, became a more reliable messaging console (Bulk SMS) in the Maldives focusing on corporates and startups. We have grown from just a few clients in the first years to over 100+ of business using our service in the Maldives. Our growth story has been filled with fun and amazing hustle from winning the first Seedstars World – Maldives edition to getting to showcase at the Startup Grind Europe Conference and getting our permanent SMS Gateway License.
With feedback and suggestions from our customers and developers, we are thrilled to announce our latest version, focusing on a simplified user experience, usage analytics and additional security features for better customer engagement.
With the new Message Owl Console, we have worked closely to bring about changes, that would help our customers and let them make a stronger customer-engagement strategy with our new dashboard, new approval process, contact management, multiple Sender ID options, and identity security with two-factor authentication.
Ismail, CEO, OXIQA

With our new dashboard, you would be getting an overview of your statistics, your subscription, your package, and most importantly your usage details. Now, you have everything laid out just on your landing page itself.
We’ve made changes to the Sender ID requests and approval process, by making it quicker and easier for verification aligned to our new policy guidelines. But what’s most important is that an individual user can now manage 3 Sender IDs and keep their business accounts well managed with a better customer engagement strategy.

With our REST API and OTP API designed with developers in mind, we have been able to help you provide your service, more easily and effectively to engage with your customers in real-time.

We’ve rolled out Access Control for API Security to provide access permissions to read messages, message body for generated tokens which can prevent malicious abuse of API even when the keys are leaked and thus keeping your customer data confidential from vulnerable access. With the new two factor authentication (2FA) enabled, you can use our platform in a secure and safe environment.